Application settings manager.

class clay.settings._Settings[source]

Settings management class.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Write config to file.

This method is supposed to be called only from __exit__().


Create config dir, config file & cache dir if they do not exist yet.


Load cached files.


Read config from file.


Return _SettingsEditor context manager to edit config.

Settings are saved to file once the returned context manager exists.

Example usage:

from clay.settings import settings

with settings.edit() as config:
    config['foo']['bar'] = 'baz'
get(key, *sections)[source]

Return their configuration key in a specified section By default it looks in play_settings.


Get full path to cached file.


Always get a section from the default/system configuration. You would use this whenever you need to loop through all the values in a section. In the user config they might be incomplete.


Return True if filename is present in cache.


Get a section from the user configuration file if it can find it, else load it from the system config

save_file_to_cache(filename, content)[source]

Save content into file in cache.

class clay.settings._SettingsEditor(original_config, commit_callback)[source]

Thread-safe settings editor context manager.

For example see edit().

__init__(original_config, commit_callback)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


list of weak references to the object (if defined)