Notification widgets.

class clay.notifications._Notification(area, notification_id, message)[source]

Single notification widget. Can be updated or closed.

__init__(area, notification_id, message)[source]
  • widget_list – iterable of flow or box widgets
  • dividechars – number of blank characters between columns
  • focus_column – index into widget_list of column in focus, if None the first selectable widget will be chosen.
  • min_width – minimum width for each column which is not calling widget.pack() in widget_list.
  • box_columns – a list of column indexes containing box widgets whose height is set to the maximum of the rows required by columns not listed in box_columns.

widget_list may also contain tuples such as:

(given_width, widget)
make this column given_width screen columns wide, where given_width is an int
('pack', widget)
call pack() to calculate the width of this column
('weight', weight, widget)
give this column a relative weight (number) to calculate its width from the screen columns remaining

Widgets not in a tuple are the same as ('weight', 1, widget)

If the Columns widget is treated as a box widget then all children are treated as box widgets, and box_columns is ignored.

If the Columns widget is treated as a flow widget then the rows are calculated as the largest rows() returned from all columns except the ones listed in box_columns. The box widgets in box_columns will be displayed with this calculated number of rows, filling the full height.


Set contents for this notification.


Close notification.


Notification ID.


Return True if notification is currently visible.


Update notification message.

class clay.notifications._NotificationArea[source]

Notification area widget.

  • widget_list (iterable) – child widgets
  • focus_item (Widget or int) – child widget that gets the focus initially. Chooses the first selectable widget if unset.

widget_list may also contain tuples such as:

(given_height, widget)
always treat widget as a box widget and give it given_height rows, where given_height is an int
('pack', widget)
allow widget to calculate its own height by calling its rows() method, ie. treat it as a flow widget.
('weight', weight, widget)
if the pile is treated as a box widget then treat widget as a box widget with a height based on its relative weight value, otherwise treat the same as ('pack', widget).

Widgets not in a tuple are the same as ('weight', 1, widget)`


If the Pile is treated as a box widget there must be at least one 'weight' tuple in widget_list.


Append an existing notification (that was probably closed).


Close all notifications.


Close newest notification


Create new notification with message.


Set app instance.

Required for proper screen redraws when new notifications are created asynchronously.